Virtual Past Places

Travel to the past in VR


Virtual Past Places is a website aimed to give access to the virtual reality rooms created by the 4D Research Lab in hubs. Hubs is an open source virtual reality platform, which can be used to design your own scenes, and use them as virtual meeting rooms.

The virtual spaces created by us are used to present the results of archaeological or historical research, give guided tours or as virtual museum exhibitions.

As we wanted to keep control over our data, we have set up our own ‘Hubs cloud‘, a server for virtual content. You are free to walk around, or come together in our rooms for your own virtual meetings. As server capacity is currently limited, the maximum number of visitors is set to two per room. If you desire to use a room for a larger number of people, contact us. We can temporarily assign you a new room with a larger limit.

© 2025 4DRL