This is a virtual model of the site of Troy, created for the Amsterdam Troy Project (Archaeology of Archaeology). This 3D model is experimental and based on drone photography at the site, which was originally used to visualise the local topography and the effect of past excavation practices. The virtual reality space was designed for a presentation by project director Dr. Gert-Jan van Wijngaarden, and includes an itenerary over the site along hotspots with information panels.
As server capacity is currently limited, the maximum number of visitors is set to two per room. If you desire to use a room for a larger number of people, contact us. We can temporarily assign you a room with a larger limit.
Rüstem Aslan of The Troy Excavation Project by Çanakkale 18 Mart University, Turkey
Gert-Jan van Wijngaarden (director Amsterdam Troy Project)
Jitte Waagen (drone model and concept)
Tijm Lanjouw (virtual scene and concept)